28 October 2008

Facial Frustration

I woke up from my nap, looked in the mirror, and see the word 'frustration' imprinted perfectly on my chin. Literally. That is so cool. Of all the words to appear on my chin.

Well, naturally, if I see 'frustration' in the mirror, it'd be upside down when you look at it directly.

It was me. But not really.

It was business law class today. Where we learned about business contracts law. And guess what's the term for the contract ending when no one's at fault?

That's right: Frustration.

So me being me, got bored, and wrote 'frustration' artistically at the back of my hand. I mean, it's such a cool word. Seems like I have a problem or something. (Which I assure you, I don't. At least not the kind where I'd feel 'frustrated').

And then, voila! Woke up with it on my chin. Coolness.

You know what? I'm pretty surprised that most visitors to my blog are from Australia. Like, wow. At first I thought it was pretty much the same person, I'm actually right, but, not really. Some of them are new. But I realise I do have someone following me from Melbourne. And one in Adelaide? I wonder who.

Don't worry, I've got people from Malaysia as well. All from the KL area.

Then there's the US. Someone from California...

Hey, come again!

Hungry. Food.

Gosh, my blog has been so boring lately. Even I realised that.

You know what? I'll just take a short hiatus from this. Maybe when I'm itching to write, will be when the ideas come again.

And then you'd enjoy it all over again.

So, a temporary goodbye... for now.

Muah. Mwah. Muax.

Love you guys.


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