22 October 2008

To Be Grateful For

I've been in such negative energy and mood lately. My past few posts has been a little bit on the negative side.

OK, I promise myself for this post, I'll try to be positive.

Lets see.

First of all, no matter how much things seem to suck right now. And how very useless I feel. And how pointless life seem to be, I have to focus on the good things. The things I should be grateful for, everyday of my life. And maybe by focusing on these things, I'd feel the world better.

I should be grateful for... my brain. It seems to function well. It seems good. I have an IQ of above average... plenty grateful for that. My physical - I still have both arms and both legs, and I'm able to walk and jump and dance. Lets see... Education. I'm very lucky to be able to get a high level of education, in a good university and even in a different country. I have parents who might not have given up on me yet. What else? I have friends. And they're there, I know, although they don't seem to be sometimes. And they care. I've got a boyfriend who loves me very much. And treats me right. I've got good sight. Maybe a little short sighted, but at least I'm not blind. Or colour blind for that matter (Imagine living life without colour.. now that sucks). I have music. I can listen to it. And I can play it. And that's always great.

I have time. I'm still young. It's still not to late to get what I want, how I want it. I've got faith. And I believe in my faith. I can write. Not many people have writing as an outlet. I thank God everyday that I have it when days seem especially hard. I have a past... and a future. I have memories. Some of the most beautiful things ever.

And I have LIFE itself. I'm still alive. And it's the best I've got. So why the hell am I complaining?

OK. Now. Whenever I forget about all the things I have, I'll refer back to this post. I'll remember.

Problems are temporary anyway. They come and they go. They might always be there. But they'll never control me.


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