12 July 2008

Aries Again

So. Yeah. Update about the date. It actually went well. Better than I anticipated. Despite the fact he was an hour late. Whatever.

In fact, it went so well that he asked me out again. Tonight. Seriously.

So how was he like? Well, he's nice. Possibly too nice. One thing though: He's an Aries. OMG, another Aries. Gosh, I have so many Aries's in my life that I don't know what to make of it already. The stars are definitely sending a message across. I have lots of Aries boyfriends, crushes, my best friend (Iman) is an Aries, even my grandfather is an Aries. I know so many Aries's that I know almost to the tee what they are like. They are generally bad tempered. Or rather, a little proud. And they like to keep things to themselves until they can't take it anymore. Then, they explode. But a good thing about Aries? They are tame-able. And once they're tame, they make great partners.

But my point is: What are the chances that another Aries enters my life? The stars are seriously having fun with me.


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