08 May 2008

The Lazy Virus

Yes, I haven't blogged for a while now. Okay Okay. Cut me some slack. Oh well. I've got some good news though. I mean good news for you, not for me. Life sucks. My life, that is. Ever since I've been back from Malaysia, I've been struck by the lazy virus. I'm telling you. True. You know how they say Malaysians are lazy? Well, I have a theory that it's caused by this virus. The lazy virus. Ever since I've been back, I've been incredibly lazy to do anything. Lazy to do assignments, lazy to go to classes, lazy to clean my room, lazy to cook, and even too lazy to eat. Seriously. I've been too lazy to eat. So much so that I eat only a bar of chocolate or some yoghurt a day. So if I don't lose weight yet, I don't know.

So all that made me depressed. No kidding. I'm so depressed because... well... who knows why they're depressed anyway. But all I know is, I didn't do a few assignments and I'm damn scared of failing. Not to mention my finance subject is going down the drain. I know how to do the questions, but I never seem to get any good marks.

But you know what? I think my depression is dissipating slowly. and the point where it started to be better is when I 'found' my diary again. Well, I don't mean diary as in, personal journal, I mean diary as in planner. Yes, I've been too lazy to use it, but ever since I 'found' it again, I feel the depression slowly ease off me. Wow. I didn't realise I'm the type of girl to rel on a planner. I used to wonder how people rely so much on a planner. But I guess now I know. I felt much better as my pen made contact with the little date columns, writing down my plans for the rest of the week. It made me feel so good that I actually cooked tonight. Like for my housemates too. Like, wow. So that constitutes my first meal of the week. Baked golden chicken with pasta alfredo and coleslaw. No kidding. It was good. I have some leftover though, so I'm thinking about bringing it to Bligh on the weekend.

Okay, you caught me. I have been going to the city every week. And eventhough I didn't plan to go this week, I know I'll somehow end up there. specially since Eiman already told me he's got plans for me already. Oh, and yea, he's been taking on the role of being my social planner.

As for pictures... sorry guys, no pictures today. I left my camera's wire thing in Malaysia. So I haven't been able to transfer my pictures in from my camera to my laptop. Oh well, don't worry, no good pictures anyway. I don't really document my life on camera these days.

And did I tell you how I've been so involved in watching videos on the internet? Like:
1. Lonelygirl15
2. Gossip Girl
3. Grey's Anatomy
4. Heroes

And I've been sleeping late because of them. Not my fault. Streaming is only fast at night! When everyone else is sleeping. But I do try to sleep earlier than 4 a.m. these days Promise.

Okay, got to go. Nature's calling.


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