14 May 2008

Living Under One Roof

I'm feeling quite (how do I put this nicely?)... pissed at a housemate of mine. Really. Want to know why? Because this particular person doesn't know proper etiquette of sharing a house with other people. OK, let me explain.

When I first moved in this unit, I noticed that all my housemates are Chinese, so I understand that the food they eat or cook is not always halal. Fine. So I went out and bought some spoons, forks, knives, pans etc. And a couple of mugs because of the lack of mugs in the house. I do tell my housemates of my dietary requirements and they understand and respect it quite well... except for this one person. This person started using some of my stuff. OK, I didn't mind at first, as we all do share when we need it. It gets worse when she uses everything i had. OK, still, I was still OK with it. Then, she uses them with non-halal food. Whatever, I thought, as long as she doesn't use it to eat pork with, and clean it properly after using them.

Then comes the problem. She started well enough, just minorly irking me by doing all those stuff mentioned above. But oh well, we all get annoyed with our housemates at some point, right? Then, she gets worse. OK, what's the rule of borrowing kitchen appliances? To wash them after you use it, as cleanly as possible. Oh yea, she did wash the stuff she uses... about a month later!!!! No kidding. And I'm not even exaggerating. At first it started with a few days. And then it prolongs to a week. And then, several weeks. So my dirty dishes would sit in the sink for several weeks, waiting to be washed by her. But, the worst worst worst part of it all, is that if I have 3 spoons, she'll use one, put it in the sink, use the other one next time, put it in the sink, and then use the 3rd one the next time, without washing any of the first 2, and then leave it in the sink. Then, when I, the owner of the spoons want to use one, I'll find them all unwashed in the sink or on the table somewhere. Doesn't only happen to spoons. Also to my forks, my mugs, my pans, my chopsticks. You name it. So much so that when I'm desperate enough, I'll have to wash some stuff for her just to use something that's mine.

Don't you feel like killing a housemate like that? Even as I write this, there are some of my stuff in the sink downstairs and on the table, waiting to be washed. These days, I even hide a mug in my room so that I'll have a mug when I need it. And a spoon too. But my other mug and spoon is, predictably, in the kitchen sink.

I even have some other things I'm pissed off with her. But that'll have to wait for another time and place.

Oh, and I'll admit I have a problem with excessive spending these days. For grocery, of all things. So now, I'm broke, with too much food that there's no room in the refrigerator. Food I don't even know when I'll find the time to eat.

Ummm.... Wanna come over for dinner? I'll cook.


1 comment:

Azalia Suhaimi said...

ok i hate that housemate of yours already.
keep ALL your stuff in your room! make a mini bar or somethin in your own room...

and oh, cooook me dinner pls! ehhehehhe ;P