15 May 2008

Of Boredness of the Mind

Have I ever mentioned about the crush I have on a tutor of mine? OMG, he is hot! Really. OK, I'm supposed to be concentrating in class, but instead, I'll be staring at him. Let's just hope he doesn't read this, right? Hehe.

So... since my last post, I've slept. Then I woke up. Nothing interesting there. Except if I tell you that I overslept. Then missed my class. But oh well, that's quite normal on Thursdays.

I have been watching lonelygirl15 videos all day, eventhough I know I shouldn't. Can't help it. It's seriously boring and pointless, but I'm still watching them. Stop me, someone. Anyone?

I watched Gossip Girl online too. All 17 episodes. It's sooo interesting. All the drama. Can't wait for the season finale.

Now, I seriously need to get to uni and catch up on my work. And maybe go MQ centre and get myself some Boost. Haven't eaten anything yet today. Don't worry, I'm not going to be anorexic, I promise. So... what should I eat? Rice? Pasta? Chicken? Sooo lazy to cook for myself. Does anybody want to come around? I'll cook for you too!

So yea, I better get cooking, or get going to uni. Bye.

You know you love me,


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