13 May 2008

Negative Notes

Quite an achievement I got today. I ate!!! I mean, literally eat. I mean... well, I ate something other than a chocolate bar or a donut or a cup of yoghurt. I mean, yea. Big achievement, huh. It means I might not become anorexic. Eventhough I still feel some point of regret in the pit of my stomach. Another achievement for today? I slept for 5 hours! Yay. Great.

I finally feel a little bit better. But you guys might not understand why I don't sleep or eat lately. It's because... well... it makes me feel good that way. I don't feel lazy or stupid or useless. That's good.

So.... BF/exBF and me are currently off. For a long time I hope. Or for good. I'm just so sick of him and his constant insecurity against me. Well, there's more to the story than that, but right now, I'm hating him. And his constant phone calls which I don't pick up because all he does is shout. When a relationship gets too stressful and painful like this, I say, it's about time. To end it.

OK, I feel this post is so.... negative. Didn't mean it that way. I wanted to write more, but continuing in this condition is going to make this post really boring and negative. Let's continue on a happier note. So I'll write the next time I feel cheery-er. OK?



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