03 February 2009

Losing It

Exam coming up. Woohoo. Woot. What What.

(OK, clearly, I'm losing my mind.)

So today, in anticipation of exams, guess what I did. No, not study, guess again. Bake cupcakes! The thing is, the cupcakes baking thing was a total disaster. 1st batch - bad. 2nd batch- bad. 3rd and 4th batch - just BAD. When I finally gave up baking, and my housemate saying that perhaps I lost my 'touch', I finally realised what was wrong. The whole time. I haven't lost my 'touch'. I forgot to put one important ingredient: EGGS!!!

I'll explain something. Baking is my thing. My thing. It is really the thing I turn to when all else fails. When I'm depressed. When I have no motivation to study. When the world just seem wrong. Then, a nice tray of cupcakes that tastes marvelous, just seem to make everything right again, magically.

And today, it seems my screwed up week is complete. Not only have I screwed up my entire existence, I screwed up cupcakes. Cupcakes! The one thing I just don't screw up, if you've ever tasted my cupcakes.

Oh where the hell is that 'Motivation' paper when I need it??? I sure as hell need some motivation right now. God, I even need motivation to sleep.

Only one reason:

That boyfriend being away. Screwing up everything! Aaarrgghh.


This is just sad. I can't concentrate on anything. Not even enough to remember to put eggs in my cupcakes! Do you really think I'd remember how to balance Cash Flow Statements? Not a chance. Not a chance in hell.

So what am I to do with this exam? I'm going to get lots and lots of red bull (with bull testicle extracts) and drink them before the exam. Oh do you know the tired, sleepy feeling you sometimes get during an exam? Would totally go away if you need to pee. Trust me. It works.

So wish me luck. Lots and lots and lots of it.

I want chocolate cupcakes!!! With chocolate icing!!!


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