09 December 2008

Thoughts in Cali

Guess where I am? Right, LA!!!

Had only been a day. Fun so far? Hmmm... not too bad. Disneyland was OK if wasn't a little bit too quick. We had to cramp everything up and didn't even have time to go souvenir shopping - which is part of the whole fun!

Tomorrow: Universal Studios.

The next day: Shopping!!!!! (Yes, that deserves five exclamation marks)

Wish I had someone my age around though. Then maybe right now I would be somewhere much more fun. I mean, not in this room, alone, writing my blog in this one hour time frame of the only internet access I have. Pathetic, I know.

No matter. Tomorrow is a new day.

Weirdly enough i've been having lots of dreams lately. Not really good dreams, but not nightmares either. They're just there everytime I close my eyes. And some feel so real, they scare me.

I wonder what's the significance of all these dreams. I barely remember them actually. But I wonder why they suddenly appear, after all those nights of dreamless sleep. Is something disturbing my train of thought? Is it something physical? Am I not well? Or is it some side effect of any medication I'm not aware of?

But then again, maybe I'm just missing someone.

One question though: If you ever found something true, something real, would you ever give it up for the possibility of something better? Or the promise of something better?

I don't know. Will I be lucky again? Or will I just be pushing my luck too far this time.

But what if this thing is also so... wrong?

I wonder, would Romeo and Juliet find something better if they just moved on and not killed themselves? Would they be happier? They were so young after all.

Or is that kind of love once in a lifetime and should be embraced whether it's wrong or right? Tell me, please.

Times up!


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