04 December 2008

Prospective Husband Material

I've never actually see myself as someone who would fight for love. I never did. But somehow now, I'm doing it.

But we all know real life is far from the movies. And we all know in real life it's so much harder to know what's right and what's wrong. Because it is not black and white. There's no sweet animal loving princesses and evil queens.

But then again, the last time I checked, it's not the 19th century, is it? Arranged marriage is, surely, a thing of the past. Then how the hell did this happen? How the hell am I stuck with something that seems so much like arranged marriage that I can't even deny it anymore?

Thing is, I can find a good husband for myself, thank you very much. I mean my criteria for a husband is pretty impressively high standard, really. Seriously. Judge it for yourself.

Let me get one thing straight before I start on my list. Yes, I want a husband with a decent size penis (read: above average). I'm sorry, yea, I got it out. Yes it's superficial. I know you'd think, "A big penis isn't everything!" but it's really up to me, you know. If I'm going to spend my whole life with that thing, please let it be big. I also know guys out there who'll go, "I want a wife with big boobs." Sure, you know, guys. But I think a big penis makes more sense because it contributes more to the sex life than big boobs. And if guys could say that, I sure as hell could say it too.

Okay, so first on my list of a perfect husband is money. Yes. I'm sorry. For love or money? Money. Anytime. Love could come later. Being fed is more important to me. Even if love never come, I'd be comforted with the fact that at least my children are getting good education.

Second, smart. A smart husband would be nice. I would want someone I can have conversations with. Someone who knows more than I know so I can learn from him. Someone who can solve problems quick and painless.

Another criteria: Educated. Yes, it's different from above. I want my husband to get good education. Someone who can tell me the square root of pi. Someone who knows where a human spleen is. Someone who knows what E, M and C is in the formula E=MC². And someone who knows what shape the demand and supply curves are. Oh, and someone who actually knows what are The Illiad and The Odyssey are.

Fourth. Nice and kind. This goes without saying, really.

Fifth. Handy. Yes, I need him to change lightbulbs, change the car tyres, unclog sinks, repair leaks, and at least know more about cars than I do.

Funny. Quite important this one. If he isn't dull and can make me laugh it's a huge plus. I wouldn't want to marry the statue of liberty, if you know what I mean.

Seventh criteria: powerful. Someone with power just turns me on. Someone who can make things happen. A husband that is respected. That when you mention his name, people would know.

Eight. Good genes. I didn't say good-looking here because looking good is not a criteria. I mean, you don't have to look like Brad Pitt. But please carry good genes. I wouldn't want someone who carry genes for asthma, heart attack, diabetes, high blood pressure, hemophilia, sickle cell anemia, color blindness, and all those diseases out there. Oh, especially not thalassemia.

OK, I'll stop at 8. Those are my criterias.

But you know what? I have one more criteria that would cancel out all others: Religious. Seriously, no matter what, that is the most important. If a guy is religious, I don't care of all those other criteria (even the penis size). I so want, above all else, a religious husband. Someone who would guide me the right way. And someone who would guide my children the right way. If that guy is religious, I would not even check if he has all the qualities above. If he is religious, he'd be perfect for me. For if my husband is religious, I know what I will always have is happiness. I will always have blessing.

And always always have the best part of life. Always.

See, mum and dad, I know very well how to choose a husband for myself. If it's up to me, my husband would be perfect, because I would not settle for less than the best. And I know, if my parents actually know these criteria, they would be crazy proud of me.

So there is no need for arranged marriages please. Where husbands are concerned, I've got mine down pat.

Well, the important question then:

Any Applications?

Just kidding.



Anonymous said...

can i submit the application form..??

MzPinK13 said...

Hehe. Sure u can baby!

I'll consider it...

