14 June 2009


Hi people.

Guess what?

I lost my phone.


Yes, that's three times this year.

Yes, it's total crap.

Lost it at Argyle last night. Yes, yes, I went out clubbing in the middle of exams. Bad, I know. But in my defense it wasn't planned. It was supposed to be just dinner. Then hangout. Well... You know what happened next. Probably this is my punishment. But such a cruel punishment ain't it?

So yea, in the midst of it all, I must have dropped my phone somewhere. Yes, it's my 5800. Yes, again. And yes, it's the phone I paid AU$800 for. And yes, I'm seriously depressed.

And even worse, I didn't go to Eiman's birthday. I swear I will beat myself up for that for the whole year coming. And for years to come.

I swear I'm just the worst friend ever. The stupid phone got lost and it was all I could think about the whole day. I didn't even get to call him to wish him happy birthday (phone's fault). It's just a miserable day. Yes, will not forgive myself for that. Dammit, I'm the worst.

But I promised myself to make it up for it. I will. I seriously will. I don't care!

How can one weekend go sooooo WRONG???

After all that's happened this weekend, I deserve a great, big Distinction for my ACCG251 paper on Tuesday. I'd better get it. If not, I'll throw a damn big fit at life itself. Not pretty.


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