25 March 2009

Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!

I decided that I like German guys. They're hot. And kinda sexy. And their accent is just melting. Mmm...


So I'm aiming at making this latest discovery... educational.

I'm going to find out about Germany. As much as I can about it. So the next time I meet a cute/hot German guy I can dazzle them with my knowledge. Yay me.

Capital of Germany: Berlin.

Size: 357,021 sq km.

President: Horst Kohler

Population: 82,060,000 (Ooooh, more for me!)

Language: German

Life Expectancy: 78.65 years

Calling code: 49 (Note: Important!!!)

Interesting facts!!

Seventh largest country in Europe.

Highest point is Zugspitze.

Around one third is covered by forests.

The Zoologischer Garten Berlin is the oldest zoo in Germany.

The fertility rate of 1.39 children per mother is one of the lowest in the world. (Oh no, less Germans??!!)

67% of the German citizens claim to be able to communicate in at least one foreign language. (And in that sexy accent? Yes please)

Germany is the leading producer of wind turbines and solar power technology in the world.

The only country to ever fully recover from hyperinflation. (Money-stable? Yes yes yes)

Albert Einstein is from Germany. (Brains too, huh?)

Mozart is from Germany. (Whoa, music too?)

The Frankfurt Book Fair
is considered to be the most important book fair in the world.

The most successful Formula One driver in history, Michael Schumacher is from Germany.

The mayors of the two largest German cities, Berlin and Hamburg, are openly gay. (OK, hopefully not all of them are gay. Spare some for me please!)

Germany is Europe's second largest populous nation.
(Keep 'em coming!)

Highest beer consumption in the world: 119 litres per person. (Uh, not good)

The German athletes are known to won the maximum number of Olympic medals. (You know how I feel about men who are good in sports...)

I hope this has been as educational for you as it has been for me. So the next time I meet a cute/hot/gorgeous German guy, I would totally impress them with my knowledge. (Great plan, girl).



Anonymous said...

go FUCK german guys then..!!!i dont give a fuck

Anonymous said...
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