31 August 2008

Up and Down

My hair smells like... mint chocolate chip ice cream!!! Courtesy of my new shampoo. I love it. It's, like, the best shampoo ever.

Today was Malaysian Fest 2008. I didn't expect it to be that big and I didn't expect that many people to turn up. Yea, I had fun! It's also Malaysia's merdeka today.

Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!

Didn't get to see the fireworks this year. Didn't get to celebrate at midnight. But it's all good. I actually felt very much like I'm back home at Malaysian Fest. Nostalgic!

And then it's the first day of Ramadhan tomorrow. Wow. Fasting month. I'm so happy it's here. So so so so so happy!!! Hopefully the whole month goes smoothly.


Just got off the phone with my mum. She's mad. Like, really mad. Because I have a boyfriend.

I don't really know exactly why. Everybody else has boyfriends here. Some even live together. Some got married without their parents knowing. I don't want to compare. But. Sometimes, I just can't help but to compare. I mean, we don't even live in the same city (Me and him
). It's just another long-distance thing for me. Just a shorter distance than before.

He might not seem perfect. But he's good enough for me. Why can't my mum be like other parents and let me live. Let me make my own mistakes. I mean, I'm not complaining. And I'm not comparing. I know she does this because she loves me. I love my parents too. More than anything. But sometimes, just sometimes, it's not all about them. It's not all about me too. It's about an equation. We balance both sides. I'm trying not to tip the scales. I mean, if I'm just looking out for myself, I could just take the easy way out. But I'm not. Taking the easy way out, no matter how tempting it is right now, is selfish, foolish and cowardly.

What? I should just have stuck to the right thing in the first place? And then what would life be? Dull. Boring. And how the hell would I learn?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wait? seriously ada shampoo bau mint chocolate chip ice cream?
