25 August 2008

Box Office Hits

Slept at 4 am last night. For good reason this time: Stayed up all night chatting with Rahman on MSN. About what? A movie storyline. Well, he probably didn't sleep late, because he's all the way in Germany.

So we came up with this storyline where I am the main actress. Other characters: Vin Diesel as my boyfriend and Johnny Depp as the villain. Amanda Seyfried is my best friend. It's like, soooo cool. The story is set up in the year 2056. After a massive nuclear war which practically destroyed the whole world. We developed a great story in those few hours. And even a twist in the ending. What can I say, great minds think alike. And when you put these two great minds together, you're looking at the next Box Office hit.

We are still pondering on the title though. So far, the shortlisted titles are:

Cool huh? Lechery is our main one. It just sounds so cool. But we're still not sure yet. There's not a confirmed title yet. Maybe it'll come to us as the storyline evolves further. Which one would you not stand to miss in the movies??

Anyway... MGM (Malam Gema Merdeka) is overrrrr. Kind of sad and glad at the same time. Glad because it's finally finally done. Sad because I've met so many new friends during the practices and such that I probably wouldn't have known anywhere else. And also a nice excuse to spend time with a lot of friends during the weekend. An excuse to talk to a crush... ;)

I got to know May and Yalis and Fatin and Ameen and Joe (aka Idzani) and Nik Amir and Azyura and lots and lots more. I probably won't be seeing them around much anymore after this. That's sad.

MGM turned out great. A nice success. Seeing as we didn't actually have a full rehearsal. Some glitches here and there. But oh well, we can't expect too much from a bunch of kids with shitloads of work that only get to meet up on weekends to practice.

So all in all, we all had a great time. And that is all that matters!


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