25 January 2010

That's what Girls Do

You know what's the problem with men? They have to understand everything.

Listen, there are some things we don't have to understand. Some things we don't even have to know. That's life. We all know that. We don't fully understand life after death, for example, but we believe it's there.

My point is, STOP trying to understand women!!

I mean seriously, what is there to understand? A woman is a person. You need to know one individually.

Until now I don't get some men who goes: I have lived years and I still don't know what women want.

Well, of course you don't know. That's just stupid. I mean, have you asked yourself what men want? Women don't ask that question in the first place. So we don't have 'unanswered' questions about men in general.

It's just plain stupid to me.

If women are supposed to be less rational and more emotional at the beginning of our menstrual cycle when the female hormone is at its lowest level, then why isn't it logical to say that, in those few days, women behave the most like the way men behave all month long? – Gloria Steinem

Well we're not so different, women and men. But individually, one woman differs to another as much as a man differs to a woman. So yeah. Stop figuring us out as a GROUP, and do it individually instead.

Men. (Hahahahahaha. I'm just trying to prove a point here. Hehe)

Well, if you still want to group us, stop trying to figure it out. Just accept everything we do as, That's what girls do. Hehe.

You ask me why I change the colour of my hair
You ask me why I need 32 pairs of shoes to wear
You seem to ask me why I got alot of things
It's just a chick thing
You oughta let it go


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