20 January 2009

Logic Matters

Physically. And emotionally. In pain.

Today could equal the worst day in my life if I think about it. I mean it should be the worst. It should.

Have I ever written about my logic theory?

The first part of the theory is that emotions do not exist.

Why? Because it's not logical. Because what we know exist is all in this world. It changes things. But think about it, when it comes to emotions, sure it influences people to do things and eventually change the world. But, when you don't act on it, it doesn't mean anything. It disappears. It's just a blip in you that might as well does not exist. So there it goes. There it goes. It's not logical.

Which is why breakups don't hurt me that much. Not because I'm less human. Not because I'm feeling-less. It's because of logic. Just logic. Seems cruel, sure. But I just don't see the point crying over it if it's not going to work out in the first place. I mean it's just so... illogical.

So yes, logic. Whether you like it or not, it's all around us. I mean even the beautiful sunset is a bunch of calculations.

I am not implying that you should take the beauty out of everything. Beauty is always there. Always. Because beauty is something I believe in. With all my heart.

So logic rules. In my book, if that can hurt you less, by all means do it. It might just make this world a better place.


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