23 January 2009


It's 11pm on a Friday night.

People are partying out there. Having fun. I can hear them out there. Almost calling to me. I'll bet Ivy is full to the brim. Wish I am there instead.

And here I am, in my room, in T-shirt and sweat pants. Waiting for my boyfriend to call.

Beyond pathetic, I know.

This is how we're celebrating our 5 months. Thousands of miles apart. With minimum means of communication. I'm sinking. Slowly.

One consolation to me: I'll be partying tomorrow night. Saturday. Woo-hoo.

So meanwhile, to while away the time, I'm doing... wait for it... Work! For the Malaysian Association thing. Designing the T-shirt, looking up websites, coming up with decorations, designing posters, online shopping, brainstorming, bla-di-bla-di-bla. And doing all that, came across the Oscar website. And a whole load of interesting stuff.

Live Academy Awards on TV on the 22nd of February!!!

So, I'm coming out with a list of all the movies I want to watch...

Here it is::::::Status: Watched!
Verdict: Pretty good. Could be better though.
Status: Anticipating.
Verdict: Pretty much at the top of my list of must, must, must watch. Huge huge huge fan of the book.

Status: Anticipating.
Verdict: If the Oscars is anything to go by, this movie must be pretty good. I'm just not so sure myself.

Status: Anticipating.
Verdict: Firstly, it's Angelina Jolie! And second, I just know it's
going to be amazing. High expectations for this one.

Status: Watched!
Verdict: By all means, go watch it. It is just touching and good and will leave this warm feeling inside you all over.

Status: Anticipating. --> Watched!
Verdict: A little half-half. Might be good, might be bad too. But friend said, with Jennifer Aniston, it can't really go wrong. Hmm.. She's got a point.
--> Umm... Pretty draggy. But Touching. And I did wanna get a dog after this movie. (Can I, syg?...)

Status: Anticipating.
Verdict: It's pretty high up the box office currently. Hopefully it's good.
Status: Anticipating.--> Watched!
Verdict: It's Meryl Streep!!! And so many Oscar nominations for this movie, I'd better not miss it. And trailer looks good.--> OMG, please go and watch it. It is just so good. I really like it. Just rocks. I doubt you won't find it a-mazing!
Status: Anticipating.
Verdict: Liked the other Underworlds. But one without Kate Beckinsale? Hmm.. I'm very very very skeptical.
Status: Anticipating.
Verdict: Also from the Oscars. Oh it sounds good now that I've read the summary thing. Won't miss it.

Status: Anticipating. (Well, not really)
Verdict: Another kids' movie. Whoopee (That's sarcasm, people). Will watch it if nothing else to do. Might just get the DVD.
Status: Anticipating.
Verdict: Trailer looks good. Just not a big fan of Clive Owens. Still deciding...
Status: Anticipating.
Verdict: Sucker for Ralph Fienne's smiling eyes. Looks tasteful too.
Status: Anticipating.
Verdict: Seems like a movie I would like. But I'm not so sure. Hopefully I would.

Status: Anticipating.
Verdict: Trailer is good. And I do have the hots for Dominic Cooper. Don't mind seeing him topless again... Hehe.

One more thing:

I am so hot for Cam Gigandet right now. Or also known as James in Twilight. OMG he is so damn bloody HOTTT!!! Like so hot he's making my blood boil, my heart race, my toes curl, my breath heavy and all those all over body tingling sensation

Fine, maybe it's a little bit of my obsession of the evil guys in movies. But seriously though. He's one of those who's really up there. Wayyy up there.

I mean, seriously, I would so much, like a thousand times over, do him than Edward Cullen in the movie. Just look at him.
Now, tell me that is not hotttt. The abs... The biceps... The shoulders... Sure beats Edward Cullen's muka jambu. Hehe.

He's 26 and he's an expert in the Israeli martial arts Krav Maga. Coolness or what??!!

OMG OMG OMG. Now I know what I want for my birthday. Cam Gigandet. Him and just him. Please please please please please...

Here's dreaming!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

dont worry.. monday nnt kita tgk wayang.. im thinking, gran torino or doubt.. but i tgk trailer ipman... best gak!!