25 September 2008

Flight Delay Part 3

9pm. 21 September 2008.

That is the time and date in my finally, finally, finally, FINALLY confirmed flight back to Malaysia.

In fact, I am in the plane right now. 10 more minutes to take off. I better pray hard that the plane actually leaves the ground this time.

What else could go wrong? I couldn't even imagine. If something else does go wrong, you wouldn't be reading this right now anyway. I wouldn't get the chance to post it on my blog.


*Sigh. Finally. Finally finally finally.

I hope I'm not just dreaming I'm actually on a plane right now. I. Am. Actually. On. A. Plane!!! Like, I am finally going home. Never before in my entire life have I ever feel so damn glad that I'm on my way home. Even if it's just because I want to get out of the freaking airport. Been in there too long. OK. So, finally, the story of the delayed flight continues...

So we got into the bus. Got to eat my donuts, after 7pm. Waited for bus to be full. Hotel Mercure, here we come.

We reached the hotel between 7.30 and 8pm. Queued up for the room. Praying our rooms are good. Praying we get food. Planning how to call friends/relatives/colleagues/bosses about the unfortunate delay. Well, the queue was long, way out of the hotel doors. Reached the counter. Signed my name. Got a piece of paper explaining everything. “OK, you're on the 2nd floor.”

From the piece of paper, it got me happy! We got dinner. And breakfast! (Although I realised a few hours later, puasa! No breakfast for me!) We got complimentary phone calls worth up to $30.00 (Well, the rates are really high so it's not as much as you think it is. It's like, 5 mins). Wake up call at 7.30am. Shuttle arrives 8.45am. I did wonder how much MAS had to spend for this delay. Must cost a fortune! I later asked my father and he said, “Easily 500,000. US dollars.” Wow.

Got up to my room. Nice room. Nice bed. Heaven. I realised that would be my first time being in a hotel room alone. By myself. I actually got kind of excited. I've grown up! I mean, enough to get to stay at a hotel without guardian! And that was my first time. And I didn't even have to pay for it! Yay. Lucky me. Well. I didn't know what was to come yet, did I.

Hold on. Plane taking off. Got to shut the laptop.

Yay! We're up in the air!!! Finally. OMG. You have noooo idea how happy and relieved and glad and contented and grateful and happy I am. And then the song My Way came on. OMG. Coincidence much?

So, continuation of the hotel room saga...

Made myself comfortable. Used the toilet. Finally get to call my parents. They were, like, “Good, you got a hotel room.” Great. Called my baby. He was so sweeeeeeet. He loves me, did I tell you that?

OK. Reality.

Dinner served at 9pm. Watched One Tree Hill, meanwhile. Went down to the restaurant for dinner. The food was... how do I put this mildly?... pleasantly bad. It's cold. Yea, I know what your thinking, OZ culture right? But you don't get it. The cold food is cold. The hot food are cold too. And not to mention, non-halal. Cold steamed vegetables and rice, anyone? *Gag. During dinner, we sat together and I found out that for a lot of them, their flight doesn't end in KL. They've got connecting flights waiting to get them to Paris or India or Rome. Some of them have missed their connecting flights, relying on the Airline to do their job and get them to their destinations as soon as possible. I pity them. They do have family and friends and meetings waiting. But, then again, I do have my family waiting as well.

Went back to my room. One Tree Hill. Well. Dot dot dot.

That night was great, and then 'shit', and then very very lovely. Well, I couldn't have asked for a better first time stay in a hotel. Slept late.

7.30am. Rrrrriiiinnnggggg. Telephone. Got up. Picked up. Got a machine saying some rubbish about wake up call. Went back to sleep. Too comfortable to get up. Phone alarm went off. 7.45am. Groan. Shuts eye. 8am. Got up. OMG. Rush!

Went down, checked out. Got on the bus. Felt sad.

Food's here. Continuation in progress...

10.40pm. Too full. Later OK. Eragon on TV!

You know what? I'll just start a new post next time. Tune in next time on my blog to know of the Flight Delay, part 4.



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