19 March 2007

Highschool MRS-ness

According to this survey I got off Friendster bulletin, (Yep, I've got nothing else to do despite trials my trials being next week) I'm supposed to list down 13 of my highschool friends off the top of my head. Then, I'm supposed to answer the questions below. So here goes. (By the way, for those of you who don't know yet, my high school is KYS. Look it up in kysm.edu.my!!)

1. Julie
2. Arvindran
3. Melissa
4. Emy (Amoi)
5. Ida
6. Asma
7. Lee
8. Elisha
9. Hanisah
10. EG
11. Diana
12. Pogi
13. Sarah

Okay, so here are the questions.

How did you meet 10?
In school. Duh. Actually, I didn't talk to him for years untill Form 5,maybe when I found out he's a really nice chap to have a chat with.

What would you do if you had never met 12?
Well, in form 5 when guys started to get to know me a little more, I'd have one less guy to be actually interested to know me. Good guy this one. Grateful to get to know him better.

What would you do if 6 and 2 date?
Hmmm.... Weird couple and I'd never think of it but if they do, I wouldn't do anything. Live and let live, I say. By the way, I'd kill Arvindran if he never told me news as crucial as this. Atually, I'd kill him anyway because he didn't come to my birthday party two years in a row and had a lame excuse for it.

Have you ever seen 4 cry?
Yes. Most vividly I remember is the day SPM results are out. She did cry a few times before that because she's quite emotional. Life without her in high school would still suck!

Do you think 10 is cute?
Well, actually, and this is a little embarassing, yea. Used to have a crush on him. Ouch, the secret's out. But hey, those were high school days.

How did you get to know 8?
She's in the same 'rumah' with me. Also had a great voice and interesting personality. I'm not sure, but I think we use to have the same pets sis, so that's how I first talk to her and get to know her.

Would you ever go on a date with number 12?
Hey, why not. Told you the guy's got a great personality. I would like to know him better even if it's not romantically linked.

What's 7's Favorite color?
Man, I don't know. Well if I ever meet him, I'll be sure to ask alright? By the way Lee, you still owe me that song Runaway.

What would you do if 3 confessed he/she love you?
As a friend I hope because I'm straight. And she announced to the whole class that she's straight too. And she has a long-term serious boyfriend. Well, if she means it as a friend, I'd say I love her back.

About 9.
One of the first girls I'm close to when I first came in the school. We used to tell problems to each other. She changed alot through the 5 years but I'd say it's for the better. I also know she's best friends with 8 during form 5.

Who's 4 going out with?
This girl happens to be this hot curvy babe. I don't she ever really stuck to one guy. Even if she is with someone right now it's probably be another really hot guy. Man, wish I'm as lucky as her.

What is 5 to you?
We're the ZuZu species!!!!! We're the same species and we call each other Zu. As in Zureen. Well, her name is Idazureen. Aww, I miss having my species around me.

Is 2 single?
Maybe. Maybe not. I don't really know because he's like this really hot dude in college. And girls are tripping over themselves for him. Lucky you Arse. I'd say it wasn't the same in high school.

Where does 4 live?
Umm... Somewhere in KL I guess. Where else can you live and have that many guys around? Haha.... Actually I have no idea.

What do you think about 3?
She's extreme Super. More super than Grace if I say so myself. Extreme cleverness. She got 3.94 for her GPA this one time and got an award for it. Pretty, you know, tall and slim. Her voice could replace Siti's anytime. She was the school's official orchestra singer. Athletic. She represents the school for high jump events. One downside: She's a little insecure and instead of letting herself be really weak(like other insecure people), she puts up a defense for herself where nobody can get too close to her. I think she should play that down a little bit and realise that people can like her but she's got to let people in.

What's the best thing about 11?

Her determination I think. I don't know how to explain it exactly. And she's pretty. She is. Hope she learns through her mistakes and join with the right group.

What do you like about number 1?

Almost everything. She's honest. And a really good friend. She's my bestest friend in KYS during form 5. It's everything she helped me with. If I've never met her I wouldn't get the results I got for SPM. If I never met her I would hate 99.9% of my last year of high school. She makes me a much better person. I love the fact that she actually makes an effort to keep in touch with me. Very humble. She would actually cancel all her plans just to hang out with me. Love ya Julie!!! (In a straight strictly friend way).

Favorite Memory with 1?

Too many to list!!!! The whole of my form 5 year. The fact we would stay up untill 4 in the morning to study. Then we would buy each other food during weekends. Kenny Roger's Roasters is our favourite weekly food. We would help each other in our work. I would give her ideas in her Art(so much so that her SPM art work was mostly PINK!!!). We would take millions of pics with my camera. We set up a makan group(four of us, Julie, Amoi, Asma and me!). Basically the whole year is the best memory with her. I won't forget. Ever.

Writing this post gets me nostalgic. I think you can tell through the very emotional writings. Well, I still don't want to go back to those years though. I like the fact that my life is going on. But no matter what, the past will always remain in my mind. Love ya all in KYS. Hey, it's 5 years of my life and eventhough it's good or bad I can't erase it from my life. Just trying to keep all the good things for te future!!!



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