10 May 2009

We Need a Resolution

OMG, it's so fucking fucked up.

Things are getting so bad. Last night (more like this morning), my Italian boyfriend broke up with me. Through SMS. Yea, he was pissed off with me for some reason. Or just plain pissed (As in drunk). Whatever.

Since we never go to the point where it's love, I was like, oookaayyyy, fine. And I thought it's over. Like really over, because he sounded really pissed off in the phone call he made to me at 2.30am. And the SMS at 5am. Whatever.

Now, he's on the way to talk to me. Like, face to face. OMG. Fuck. Like, what the hell for?? Either he wants to officially break up. Or he wants to get me back. Either way, it doesn't sound pretty. Not in the slightest.

First scenario: break up officially. I seriously don't want him to try to pick a fight. It's scaring me. I mean, I've experienced boyfriends who hit, OK. He doesn't seem like a guy who would, but you never know, do you?

Second scenario: he want's me back. This is scarier. Why? Because I'm done. I don't want it after last night. The thing is, since he's meeting me at my house, so how the hell do I make him leave if he doesn't want to? Shit. What if he gets angrier if I reject him? And what the hell do I say if he wants to talk about 'what happened'?

He said 10 minutes. But I've experienced his '10 minutes', it never is.

OMG, why can't men just let it go? If it's over, it's over. I mean, this time it was even his call. So don't tell me he changed his mind! To me if it's over, it's over. Why dwell further? Why even bother?

I don't fucking care if he broke with me through SMS or face to face. Breaking up is still that - breaking up. Even if he feels guilty, can't he just call instead??? Apparently not.

And to top it all off, I'm freaking hungry. I want to eat. And him showing up is just bringing me further away from my meal called dinner, which is already late as it is. Damn it.


It's freaking 10.30pm and he is fucking late.


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