30 November 2008

Trying to Digress

Another post which I have no idea what to say. No new developments. Wish I could wirte everything here, but you know how some things have to not be revealed to everyone. And that 'some thing' is my parents. I'll digress.

See, I'm still in bed. I wish I don't ever have to get out. The weather's more beautiful than I've seen it in months. And the scent of the air... Mmm... Delightful. I want to go out. I want to bask in the sunlight, feel the cool breeze. I really want to. But everytime, everytime, I can't think of a good enough reason to get out. There's nothing out there.

What is the purpose of holding on another day. Part of me longs for what I previously called home. Part of me knows this is my home now. So why go? Home is where I want to be. But which is it? I can't seem to know what is what anymore.

See? I got back to the topic. Hello?? I'm just so dark and twisted right now.

OK. Let's just get this over and done with.

If my parents don't call me today, I'm not going home. Not. Going. Home.

I don't care if my flight's confirmed. I don't care if they call me tomorrow.

I don't care if I never go home again.

So there.

For once in my life I don't want to do what they tell me to. For once.

And then they do this. They got me into depression. Clinical. And that's worth it? For once, I want them to grow up. Be happy for me. Because even when she did the worst thing, I kept it shut just to see her happy.

If they don't open their eyes and see. If they don't become the bigger person this time round. I would not do it for them one more day. Not for one more day.


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