13 June 2008


You know how we do stupid things when you love someone? You know what? I'm doing something extremely stupid right now, that is, still being with the guy I refer to as BF/exBF. We are not in any bad terms right now. And I do love him. Too much. I mean, considering the fact that didn't believe in love in the first place.

But this time, he did something bad. Something that, I told myself, if ever happens, I'm going to walk away. Don't get me wrong, I wanted so bad to walk away. But I'm still here, aren't I? Still in this position. And if I think back to 6 six years ago, what he did then, I think what the heck? If I can forgive him then, then what is now in comparison? Yes, I'm still a fool now as I was when I was 14. And since there is a very thin line between love and hate, I hope it never crosses that line, because letting go is hard. Not on my part, on his. You should see what he is willing to do to not let me go. Trust me, almost anything.

And I wonder what you think of a person who lives by stealing other people's boyfriends? Of a person who thinks she can prove herself better than someone else by stealing their boyfriend. A person who steals the boyfriend of anyone she feels threatened by, be it a new friend, an old friend, or a best friend.

Well, frankly, i don't think much of said person. I mean, wow, how insecure could someone be? And this person, this particular person, is going in a one way train, straight path down. No one's really planning it, but everyone is doing it. Everyone is making sure it's going to happen. And the funny thing I see? Is that we all do it without really realising it. Maybe it's just karma on her part. But from what I heard, she doesn't believe in karma. Hmmm... Ironic.

One message to this person. Yes, you out there, somewhere, perhaps even reading this: You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time. But you can never fool all of the people all of the time. So be careful with the words coming out of your mouth. Because you are fooling no one. And there are some people who would like to see you down. And there are a lot more who is making sure of that even as I am typing this.

Clear warning. You read it here, in my blog.

And you know what? Of all the blogs I wrote about people, I think this is the most obvious one. I think alot of you know who I'm talking about this time. But will 'she' realise this? I'll bet she'll be the one who'll be saying: "I tak makan cili, I tak terasa pedas pon." ROFLMAO. Girl, that bullet is aimed directly at your forehead. Have fun.


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