24 November 2006

Stuff... and more Stuff

I'm adding the finishing touches to my Friendster proflie and so far it's going great. After that I'm going to do my Myspace profile. Then, hopefully this Blogger thing(you know, save the best for last!). I never take pre-existing layouts and templates for Friendster and Myspace. It's usually always a few pictures I turn into a whole profile. I won't say I'm incredibly efficient and an expert in HTML or CSS, but I know a good deal of the basics. Plus, you don't really need to know too much these days with lots of sites offering teaching and helping methods.

I wish I'm good in the Blogger layout area too. It's just more confusing and complicated than Friendster or Myspace. Especially in Blogger Beta. Well, basically it's just the same, I just have to know what the extra things are. Or maybe I should just save myself some trouble and stop with my policy of not using templates. Trust me, I've tried that but Blogger Beta templates are very limited and if I'd use one, it'll surely be same with 20 others out there. Maybe people are as clueless about Blogger Beta templates as I am. Or maybe it's just a lot of work. Either way, it's an obstacle in my path to nicely design this space.

I was looking for pictures for Friendster and I realise one thing: I should be more of a camwhore. I seriously am lacking nice camwhoring pictures of myself. I mean, the whole point of having Friendster is to display pretty pictures of yourself to everyone else(no matter how unpretty you are - there's always photoshop right?). I have next to none of those things. No wonder I've never looked forward to updating my pics. And all this while, blaming my father for uploading the pics only in his laptop and not the family computer.

Today Sailormoon actually brought Tarot cards to college. She was reading my fortune. I didn't believe in it 100% but the reading she got for me was so freakily accurate. She used the fan spread, where she read about my past, present and future plus a few more like emotional and love. I actually got the worst card in the pack, the 10 swords. It's not like I have lots of problems or anything - that's normal. I've just had sort of a harder life. Actually, I wouldn't know that either because there are lots of other people out there that have harder lives than me. I'm so not complaining though, because "As hard as it gets, I know it's still amazing to be alive," in the words of Lindsay Lohan.

I guess I'd better go on with the Friendster profile thingy. And then I'll sleep. So, I'll end this entry with Check out my Friendster profile as soon as you could. And write me a testimonial!!


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