15 November 2006

France, Bond and Food

Today, it seems, I've learned very few things of importance. Well, at least I've learnt something right? Which means that living today is not entirely pointless in the existence of the universe. Things I learned today:

1. The 'Bond' characters sign a contract of a limited number of Bond movies they can make. They actually can't star in more Bond movies no matter how good a Bond they are. Explains the less-than-gorgeous Bond for the latest movie(which I haven't seen because of the exams). They also have to be British. Okay, most of you'll probably know this by now, but hey, I'm learning!

2. The tertiary education in France is (gulp! gasp! whisper...) free!!! Can you believe it? Me neither. So far, I don't know how accurate this is but if it is, I'm definitely studying in France later. Learning french is not bad either. Especially if it won't kill me as fast as English! (If you have no clue what I'm talking about, refer my one of my previous post.

3. My baby brother is extremely sensitive when it comes to food. I could always tease him and play with him about everything else just hands off his food. He asked for a PB&J sandwich (at 10pm!) just now. When I pretended to be interested in his food and wanted to eat it, he actually bawled! He's almost 4 so bawling is not very common at that age.

4. My father didn't know that the computer speakers are spoilt. He was aking me why they're spoilt. Like, hello!! Like I'm the God of Computers and could answer that particular question(that'll be Bill Gates). If I knew I'd be repairing it already and not sitting around waiting for my father to send for repair/buy a new one. Since music is my life, it's not very nice letting my iTunes going unheard.

Told you I learnt very few things today. And I'm not even sure number 4 counts. True, it's what I learnt today but not exactly education-wise right? Wait, there's number 5.

5. Grace says 'exactly' with high emphasis on the -ct so it sounds like exackt-ly. And she's moving to a new apartmen so she needs my help in moving. (Actually, my car's help, more like).

Yea, number 5 is not exactly an earth-shaking discovery seeing how close i am to Grace. I should have noticed her words earlier. I don't see myself as a very non-observant person but I guess I could be wrong. Or maybe it's the exam stress which is making me notice things which I usually don't notice just so that I'll get a break from the overdose of education. Which made me realise, what the hell am I doing talking about educational things in my blog?! I should be so sick of it that I would be avoiding it at all cost! I'm still blaming it on the stress. I'm wearing that t-shirt I have that says 'Facts Are Stupid' tomorrow(it's with a picture of a girl reading a book upside down). Okay, maybe not to college. That kind of rebellious behaviour is a bit too obvious. Maybe I should wear the top that says 'I made it to school, what more do you want?' with a picture of a sleeping figure. Whatever. Maybe I'll just let my mood tomorrow decide what I should wear to school.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Reading your blog makes me feel like I'm in an online lecture or something! And it's pink too