13 December 2007


You know how superstitious people think it's bad luck to walk under a ladder? And some of them avoid it their whole lives? Well, something bad happen to me involving a ladder. To put it short: A ladder fell on my head. Ouch. I wonder if that means worse luck or not. It's got to be worse than walking under one if one falls on your head right? So I've got to really watch my luck today.

Actually, my luck today has not been that bad so far. My hair is much better eventhough my face still has at least a dozen red spots on it. I'm not working today, apparently my aunt told me not to come because the stock market is so bad. And it's boring. So I guess BF/exBF won't get his stock update today. Oh well, that's life.

I have an issue I want to blog about today. It came to me just now as I was buying food for lunch. So today I wore something quite sexy, well, cleavage-baring at least. I wore glasses instead of contacts. And what happened was that a lot of these guys at the restaurant shamelessly ogled me. And they're all Malay. I mean, these are the guys who always give 'lectures' about religion and such but their eyes still end up where it shouldn't. And obviously so. Then one day when they have daughters, they'll forbid them to wear something remotely revealing because they know how 'men' are (read: them).

OK, I'll be fair. Malay guys are not the only culprit. The last time I wore this top, a guy actually very very shamelessly walked past me and looked down my top. Hello? Pervert with a capital P. Oh, he's not Malay. Yes, yes, if I don't want the attention I shouldn't have worn this top. But it's not what you think. This top isn't that bad. Just that these guys are so deprived at sight of skin that a small revealing of the skin is sort of like soft porn or something. Or maybe they are already addicted to porn and just see women as walking porn movie whenever they show a bit of skin. You know what? If I wear this top in the USA or Australia, the guys wouldn't even blink an eye towards me. Because there are various women around me wearing more revealing tops. So here, in my country, does the guys have to be so perverted as to lower themselves to ground level? Well, that's not the worst that happened to me. The worst is when I wore a simple tank top to this shopping mall. And no, it's not in Terengganu. It is in Selangor itself. But the guys there are so kampungs who wannabe city guys that they were actually wolf-whistling. The tank top wasn't even revealing! Rant over.

I watched the movie Enchanted three times! It got really boring the third time though. The movie is good and all - rated 94% on RottenTomatoes. Yes, I recommend it. Eventhough the movie is soo not logic. I mean, what's the chances of a woman getting lost in the middle of New York City being rescued by a really good guy? A guy that's as good looking as Patrick Dempsey, no less. A guy that is a single parent with a 6 year old daughter that could fall in love with her. And guess what? He's a lawyer! A rich one at that: has a pretty big apartment in the middle of New York City. Damn, that is as logic as the cartoon turning into human. Don't ever hope of finding someone that would rescue you if you get lost in the middle of New York City, especially someone who doesn't want to take advantage of you. And not to mention is as good looking as Mr McDreamy. Otherwise, I enjoyed the movie.


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