08 July 2007

Educated Rich Suckers

Been reading the book Rich Dad Poor Dad. I remember years ago when my father read it. He used to say he's become someone different because of the book. He keeps on quoting things in the book. When I finally read the book a few days ago, I realised something. My father didn't really get the overall picture and the lesson of the book. He just got a few examples of the author's life and tried to apply it in his. Which of course didn't work.That's why our lives are still not of the super rich and he still can't afford to send me overseas.

When read the book, I find it too repetitive. It repeats the same thing over and over and over again. But then I realise that it actually made it's way through my skull into my brain. Guess that's why it repeats alot. Too get into people's thick skulls. Basically the whole book is just very much common sense. Something we should know to not get into a longterm financial trouble all our lives. I like the book. It makes me look at myself and my life in a bigger picture. Like a fly trying to get out of a closed window when the door at the other side of the room is open. The fly will hit itself against the window like crazy untill it finally gets too weak and dies. What most people can only see this window as a way out. So they work hard all their lives. To get out and taste the freedom. But as long as we're as short-sighted and close-minded as the fly, the window won't budge. That's the whole picture of the book. Actually, as far as I read, it never mentioned flies. That's just an example of mine. The book talked, instead, of rats. You know, how they work hard on the wheel thingy and never get anywhere.

I am seriously missing my Taylors friends. My life is empty now, trying to fill it up somehow. I'm just not very well in health right now so my mood to go out is running quite low. I actually feel like listing what I want to do for the holidays. So here's my list, in no specific order.

Get a job
Read lots of books
Rock climbing
Go on a diet and really lose weight
Go out with old friends
Go traveling with friends
Watch the whole Heroes 1st season
Watch Desperate Housewives third season
Learn a language, preferably Spanish or French
Watch all interesting movies worth watching
Get myself in a few companies
Teach someone
Learn to cook something
Do cross-stitches
Learn a type of dancing
Learn something useful

Oh yeah, speaking of learning, I've learned a few things lately.
1. There's a 'Teddy Geiger Day' It's on the 19th of March. But I forgot in which country it is celebrated in.
2. A book called 'How Opal Mehta Got Kissed, Got Wild And Got A Life' was actually plagiarised from at least 5 different books of
4 different authors. And the plagiarism is so obvious it's hard not to miss. Try Wiki it (as in Wikipedia).
3. There's superhero called Rose Tattoo who can kill anyone with anything she makes. Including her bodily fluids during sex. That's so cool right??!! You can Wiki her too.
4. "I'm Sorry" in Spanish. Which..... I forgot. Damn. Oh well, nevermind. My Spanish class is starting on Monday. Yay.
5. Angelina Jolie and Billy Bob Thornton used to carry each other's blood around their neck, in small vials. Wow. I should do that with my husband one day.
6. The history of taxes. Income tax is actually voted by middle-class and poor people to get money from the rich. In the end, the governments got money hungry and taxed middle-class people too. Then rich people find ways to get out of tax legally so the middle-classes are stuck being punished for something they voted themselves in the first place. See, you can't bring down the rich because they know how to handle it. Why not try being rich. Then you wouldn't have those problems. The rich work very hard and smart for what they gained. Who says they need to be punished for it? By the way, I'm not rich.
7. The house you live in is not an asset. Nor is your car. Or your golf clubs.
8. Genetic jeans are the 'in' thing for jeans now. They're super nice.
9. There's a burger served in a hotel that costs 6,000 US dollars. And a glass of martini for 10,000 US dollars in another hotel.
10. Fergie's new videoclip actually stars the main character from Heroes. How super cool is that?!
11. Wikipedia is sooo addictive!!!!!!! I keep on finding out new things from it, apparently you can search for almost everything in it. You can also Wiki Wikipedia. In fact everyone should start Wiki-ing(if there's such a word). You'll get so hooked on it. Try the elephant man, superheros, James Bond, a book author, a film director, or anything you'd like to know about. You'd get so addicted in no time.

You know what? All this time I keep on feeling really unsure of what I'm going to do in the future. But after reading this book 'Rich Dad Poor Dad,' I feel like I know exactly what to do. I don't actually have to do anything specific. Just learn. And learn life. Things that really matter. Then I'll be one of those educated rich suckers that rule everything.

Funny thing, I've known people who detests rulebooks and anywhere and anything with rules. But they try to be a rebel and break rules. Hello? You can't break the rules if you don't know them. I mean, how lame is it if someone catches you breaking the rules and your excuse is: I don't know the rules! My brother actually looked at me weirdly when I told him I know every school rule in my high school and said "No way!" when I asked him to read his rulebook. People think I'm a nerd for actually reading the rulebook and knowing that page 64 contains the punishments but at least when a teacher tries to catch me doing something, I'll know exactly what category the offense I did is in and where the teacher got it wrong, better yet, if there is a way out of it. So please study the rules. I guess that's why I'm interested in Business Law. Knowing the law actually helps me find legal loopholes and laws that might benefit me and protect me. In fact I recommend everyone to do it. At least the next time you feel rebellious and feel like breaking the rules at least you'll know the rule you're trying to break actually exists. Imagine what it feels like to find out a rule didn't exist after you go through all the trouble to break it. It must feel really empty inside.


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