12 February 2007

C for Chemistry

Today we (Me, Sailormoon, Superwoman Grace, The Fly and Aimi) just realised that Chemistry starts with C and the teacher's name starts with C and The Fly got C for the subject. Why the hell is Chemistry so full of C's? That's scary right? It's like if you take Chemistry in my class, you're destined for a C. Thank god i DROPPED the subject. Well, I got worse than a C for your information.

Finally I 'quit my job'. Wow. I 'd never thought I'd use that phrase so soon. "Quit My Job". That's so cool. I mean, I actuall said it! I quit my job!!!! Okay, forgive the mental retardation for a second. I am a little bit out of it.

Talking about mental retardation, Aimi and Grace the Superwoman just found a new club. The MRS. Trust me, it sounds nicer in acronyms. If you can't guess what it stands for, you qualify as a member. Okay, I'll tell you. It's the Mental Retardation Society. Did I mention club? Sorry, it's more like a society. Because we're recruiting people fast every single day.

So let me tell you the hierarchy of the club, i mean, society.

President and Founder : Aimi Syarizad
Vice President and Co-Founder : Grace Chieng
Treasurer : Toh Ee Fei

Well, the members are now too many to be listed. Just the high posts are available. Anyone who thinks they're a member, is already a part of the society. Anyone who declares themselves as a member could get a place in the high posts. Beware: It is strongly not advisable to include the high post you're holding in your resume. No matter how prestigious it seems. Trust me on this.


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