22 August 2006

Double~Twice the Agony

I was just reading my best friend, Iman's blog. She was talking about us missing the Paris Hilton album launch the other day. Well, truthfully, I don't really feel like I missed a lot. I mean, I like her and all but it's just an album launch. It's not like she was there. She probably would go, "Huh? Malaysia? What's that?" Oh well, I don't really blame her, Malaysia's not really on the map. And seeing as how things are these days, I don't think it'll ever be.

Well, my excessive phlegm condition is still here. It is so very irritating having my nose clogged up. And very not attractive. Seriously, would you consider going out with a girl blowing into her tissue every minute? I don't think so. Oh well, it's not like I'll get a shot for a boyfriend these days. I'm getting to close with my ex and everytime that happens guys'll be all terrified to come close to me. Malay guys are already too cowardly. Wish a chinese guy would ask me out this time.

Went to the doctor this morning, our family doctor. Guess what? He doesn't recognise me. He said I grew too much already(I really hope he doesn't mean sideways). I got on the weighing machine and found out I gained 1kg since I last weighed myself. Not good news at all. I was hoping to loose weight. My BMI says I'm healthy but I want to be underweight! Ca'nt I just donate my fat in the fat cells to people who really need them?

I think my mother and her twin(surprise suprise, my mom has a twin-identical) is so similar to one another, and I don't mean just the looks. They're just the same. With minor differences here and there. They constantly get into fights one day and are suddenly so buddy-buddy the next day. And they never say sorry to each other. Goes to show just how stubborn they are. One thing they have in common. Second thing they have in common is what my mom don't like about her twin is exactly what her twin don't like about her. They have both been know to come to me and complain about the exact same thing. Example, they both talk alot and they'll both come to me and complain about how the other twin talks too much. But when they are on good terms, well, there's nothing they don't say to each other. They'll be on the phone 24/7. They're also masters of talking about other people. I always wonder if they both got a university degree in 'Lives of Others' because they are really good at it. I think sometimes they get into fights so that they won't run out of things to talk to each other, or maybe just sick of the other's voice at the other end of the phone line.


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