12 February 2010

The Remedy

OK, now I'm starting to really regret this. What the hell is wrong with me in not being able to keep my MOUTH shut?!?

This wasn't supposed to get out yet. It wasn't supposed to be discussed. It was supposed to be an exclusive fabulous one time event. A formal, official thing that happens rarely enough to be celebrated once in 5 years!

Now I fell like my efforts are gone to waste. But I shan't be dramatic. Indecision is for the weak. I'm supposed to think on my feet. I'm supposed to make important decisions quickly and painlessly. Gosh I would suck if I'm running an entire corporation, if I can't even run 60 people. Now that it's official that people are just looking and waiting for me to fall flat on my face, I am terrified and terrorized to bits.

Oh God, I only did this as a volunteer thing. I am not expecting to be paid out of this. I am not expecting return of any kind. I am not even expecting gratefulness or friendliness. In fact, I don't even mind if people don't know about this at all. I am perfectly comfortable doing my job like this, making sure it runs smoothly rather than actually getting the fame out of this.

Oh well, wish me luck! I need a remedy.

The remedy is the experience.
This is a dangerous liaison
I say the comedy is that it's serious.
This is a strange enough new play on words
I say the tragedy is how you're gonna spend
The rest of your nights with the light on
So shine the light on all of your friends
When it all amounts to nothing in the end.



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