29 January 2007

Don't Have to Read This

Life is back to normal now. I actually started playing Ragnarok (again) but on a private server(is it, like, illegal?) this time because the original one is too expensive. It's interesting. Last time I had an archer but I figured archer are so freaking poor. I wanted my first character to be filthy rich and strong at the same time so I got a thief. It was the right decision because when last time I never reached 50,000, now I have close to 500,000. Especially now I'm a rogue. I'm telling you, rogues are the best. Of all characters, they're the only ones that are allowed to play dirty. I can steal money from monsters even(and I never knew they had any). Another reason I became a rogue is because they're so sexy. In a brutal kind of way. The sexy girl you wouldn't mind(much) killing you in a darkened alley. Being strong and sexy, that's my ideal character. I actually created a 2nd character already and she's an archer. Yea, I know, again? Actually I only want to be an archer because of the second job change option. Hunters and Dancers are really sexy. Dancers turn into Gypsies which are the sexiest of all. That's the good thing. The bad thing? Dancers are mostly support characters. Like Acolytes. Only worse, because Dancers can't heal themselves. Well, they're still the sexiest. One problem though, I still can't find a proper guide for Dancers on the internet. I don't really know how to make the perfect all-rounded dancer character. I'm actually a mean person(laugh out loud!!) so I can't exactly be a full support Dancer.

I'm gonna stop now.


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