23 April 2007

The Magic 8-Ball

Today is just another one of those semi-normal days. It's the first day of classes after the holidays. I know I haven't written anything during the holidays. I had too much fun! I mean, seriously, I know you would love to hear above my bad days than my good days. I mean good days are not that interesting. Even if I do say so myself.

No particularly good news during the holidays except I got myself a Magic 8-ball!!!!! For those of you who don't know what it is, you're supposed to ask a yes/no question to it and shake it and it'll give an answer. I love it!!! Actually I think it's quite true. Well it's also conceited. Really conceited.

It was this one time i asked the ball if I should hug my boyfriend and it says I should. So my boyfriend says "It's a good thing you have an 8-ball!" Well, I wasn't convinced about that so I decided to ask the 8-ball and see it's answer. So my first question:

"Is it a good thing to have this 8-ball?"

8-ball answer: "Without a doubt."

Next question:

"Is this 8-ball true?"

8-ball answer: "As I see it yes."

Really, can you see the conceitedness of this 8-ball? Well, if you're like me and can't decide on a lot of things, I totally recommend it to you. The 8-ball decided my lunch for me today!

Another thing to convince you this 8-ball is not all bulls**t, is what happened today. The 8-ball was a big hit in class where everone wants to ask questions like who's going to win the FA cup to who they're going to marry one day. This involves Aimi. First Kevin asked if Aimi is pretty and it says "Very doubtful." Then Aimi herself asks if she's pretty and the 8-ball gave negative answers(twice!!). So if that doesn't convince you, nothing else will. The ball really tells it to your face!

Others things that happened over the holidays:

1. Got back together with my bf/exbf. I know you will say you saw that coming. Man, I don't know why I keep on ending up with him. Ee Fei calls him my husband. Aimi says he's my bf/ex/husband. People keeps on saying I'll marry him one day. C'mon give me a break.

2. Good Charlotte concert. I went to the concert. It was okay. The lead singer(one of the Maddens) keeps on saying how he loves Malaysia(bulls**t) and how he wants to move here(more bulls**t). Don't know why he's got to win over fans in his own concert. Wait, maybe I do know. It's cause most people there got free tickets. That's why they even bother to go.

3. Learned new things. I learned Girlfirend magazine is made out of 100% recycled paper. I feel much less guilty of buying them.

4. Finish my money. One word. Birthdays. I finished all my money that I hold except for my emergency money. I have never finished all my money before. I know some of you have done it before lots of times even. I feel like I can't live. I feel soooooo vulnerable. No money. No sense of security. My only console is I have a boyfriend again. Then not having money is not too bad. Still bad enough though.

Overall my holidays are just averagely normal. Except for finishing my money. Usually I save money during holidays. God, this is making me feel depressed. I better stop thinking about it.


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