18 August 2011

Brain Stew

Hey, it's halfway through fasting month already! Gosh, so sad to see it end soon...

There's something quite nice about fasting month. It gives you something to do with your days. And an excuse to eat with friends when the day ends. Also, it amazes me every single time, at how much self control we humans have when we put our minds to it. It's awesome! Would you know you could go so long without food or water if you never tried?

So, what's new with me? Nothing much, really. I've been a lot more active with my Twitter account lately. A little bit overdue though since I joined Twitter in 2007. Back when it was mostly SMS. That was cool! It was really cool getting people's updates through SMS. Although quite impossible these days since people we follow tend to be in the hundreds. It was more like 5 back then. :)

But then again, Twitter wasn't so popular back then. First, because most people I try to convince to get an account didn't see the point of telling people what they're doing 24/7. (Hah, I guess they've changed their minds, huh?) And second, smart phones didn't really exist back then, connection to internet is limited, so you update mostly using SMS. Of course, third, no celebrities were on Twitter yet. Haha.

After that, Twitter eliminated most of it's SMS functions. We don't get updates via SMS anymore. And I lost interest. So yeah, I just shut it out for about... 3.5 years? Wow. Now I'm baaack! Rejoice!

I'm having trouble trying to sleep
I'm counting sheep but running out
As time ticks by
And still I try
No rest for crosstops in my mind
On my own... here we go
My eyes feel like they're gonna bleed
Dried up and bulging out my skull
My mouth is dry
My face is numb
Fucked up and spun out in my room
On my own... here we go
My mind is set on overdrive
The clock is laughing in my face
A crooked spine
My sense dulled
Passed the point of delerium
On my own... here we go

OK, so in the absence of sleep... I put myself here, to perhaps talk about something completely pointless. So I'm going to talk about... Hmm... What about... Brains? Hehe. (Disclaimer: I am not an expert, or trying to brag about what I know. Just feeling like sharing some knowledge. You know what the Dalai Lama said: "Share your knowledge, it's a way to achieve immortality." So feel free to read up more on it!) Here we go.

You know how they say you only use 10% of your brain or less? So then they make movies like Limitless, where there is a certain 'substance' engineered that can trigger the use of the rest of our brains. And we soak it up, thinking it could be possible, right? (Don't lie and say you don't daydream about having NZT-48! Hehe)


So, when they say we use less than 10% of our brains, what do you think happens to the other 90%? Just stay there, and do nothing? Lazing around?

Hardly. Because when they say we use only 10% of our brains, they actually mean, when we think. So no, the rest of our brain does not sit around doing nothing! Physical activity takes up space. And then there's the part that controls automatic things, like breathing and blinking. But the biggest part of our brain is allocated to our sight.

See, the homo sapiens probably is gifted with one of the most advanced eyesight in the world. And trust me, it doesn't come cheap. A huge portion of our brain actually has the task of receiving data from eyes, interpreting data received, arrange data into image, etc. And because our eyesight is so advanced, we need more space for it, than say, thinking. Remember optical images? When you look at an image on paper that seem to move, for example. Can you imagine what kind of work that part of our brain is doing right then? Amazing, huh?

So good news is, our brain is not lazing around, doing nothing... In fact almost the whole part of our brain is active almost all the time. Bad news? Drugs like NZT-48 in the movie Limitless could not, logically, exist. Because for extra thinking ability, we may need to give up our eyesight. Or breathing.

Now stop imagining you have that NZT thing, and start doing your work like you mean it! Haha. Oh and sorry for being the party pooper to your fantasies. :P


p.s. I was writing about the party I owed. But I guess out of respect of the month, I'll post it later on. Good night!